Central Vancouver Coalition
Resilience and Growth through Community

Central Vancouver Coalition May General Meeting (Zoom Only)

Join the Central Vancouver Coalition for a virtual-only general coalition meeting this Thursday, May 16 from 2:30–4:00 p.m on Zoom only (no in-person meeting at Bridgeview Resource Center). We encourage sharing this meeting reminder to invite others to join us for the May 16th virtual meeting and invite them to future coalition meetings too!

5/16 Meeting Zoom link: https://esd112.zoom.us/j/87262279619

Meeting Details:
By the end of this meeting, we will have: Connected and supported one another and shared events and important announcements, Celebrated the 2024 Spring Youth Forum and watched the Great Prevention Club’s presentation, Reviewed, compared, and discussed Community Survey & Healthy Youth Survey Data, and Identified priorities for our 2024–2025 Action Plan.

Hybrid meetings are held monthly on the ​3rd Thursday from 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm (as needed, meeting dates, times, and formats/locations are subject to change)

​​The Central Vancouver Coalition aims to increase community organization in Central Vancouver through monthly community meetings, training, and collaboration with other local organizations. These meetings are held from 2:30-4:00 p.m. on the 3rd Thursday of the month with the exception of December and July. The meetings are a hybrid format with the choice to attend the meeting in person at Fort Vancouver High School or virtually via Zoom. Meetings are open to all community members and formal membership is not required to attend. If you are interested in attending a meeting and learning more, please contact the coalition coordinator to RSVP. We are seeking coalition member representatives from the following sectors: Youth, Parents, Law enforcement, Schools, Businesses, Media, Youth-serving organizations, Religious and fraternal organizations, Civic and volunteer groups, Healthcare professionals, State, local, and tribal agencies with expertise in substance abuse, Other organizations involved in reducing substance abuse.


May 16 2024


2:30 pm - 4:00 pm

